Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I am sorry it has taken me this long to let everyone know what wonderful things God has done. On Thursday of last week we found out that we were having a GIRL! I am so excited especially Gabriela, Especially because she will get to share all her clothes with her.

Anyways!! The search is on to find a beautiful name! So I will keep you updated on that!

My wife continues to be my hero… every morning she has to put a shot of heprin! That’s so that she does not get a clot. This baby I know will be reminded of the countless sacrifices.

I am reminded of the countless times my parents told me of how many sacrifices they made for me. I specially remember my mother telling me that I would not really understand the sacrifices, until I had a child of my own. Well that time has begun… I cant expect my four year old to understand the times I want to take that last sip of MY extra thick vanilla milkshake but instead I give it up for her to have, I do it because it brings me happiness to make her happy. The reason is because her joy brings me more satisfaction than the sip of milkshake… so could this be what God does with me?

Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?

As I look back to events in my life and see many things that happened to me, specially those that were life changing whether I thought they were good or bad back then...


for example, I would not be here if I would have never been robbed at gunpoint four times in six months, or my family shot at!

Thank you God for your never ending KINDNESS, the blessings I get to see and those I don’t!

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