Rick talked about serving this past weekend, and it really made me think about an individual who has really taken his ministry to the next level.
On Sundays, since we began a year ago, he goes and stands out in the road with this arrow and waves at passing cars. As time went by, we added a broom stick to the arrow so that it would be easier to hold it and wave. Then came the PVC pipes. As you can see, this was a well thought through item. It is so sturdy that an individual could lean on it and still wave.
Why would a volunteer spend all afternoon working on a sign?
Does this guy have too much time on his hands?
The truth is this, I am extremely grateful that our "sign guy" has given his all to what God has called him to do on Sundays! He understands his ministry. Not in the comfort of AC, but out in the Miami heat. I have never heard him complain. He has been faithful and always ready to do what no one else wants or is willing to do.
Truly, I am humbled and get encouraged that he has taken his ministry to the next level. I probably would have thought I was too good for that… just being honest…and you see because of that attitude, I may have never thought of improving my sign.
I know God looks at our heart; I know he looks at the passion and commitment that we have for HIM. His Word says in Hosea 6 that He desires loyalty or mercy rather than sacrifices…
So by looking at the SIGN it tells me of someone who is passionate and is committed to serving and making God’s passion theirs!
I want that… whatever I am doing I want HIS passions to be mine!
Oh by the way…
We have received many reports of people coming because of the signage that we have.
you still use this sign? you should be using one with a Palm tree logo instead of the "H" logo... don't let JR see that sign...
I liked this post, really got me thinking, especially when you said "I probably would have thought I was too good for that."
I also like the use of the word "signage" at the end.
Is it fair that your posts always make me tear up??
I miss you guys like nutzo!!! I've been trying to work up time to come back and see ya'll but I think I've run out of luck as far as random days off school go. I'm praying for your fam! Give Jess and Brie my love!! :D
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