Friday, February 5, 2010

WHY is love so easy for KIDS!

My eldest always says, you are the bestest dad ever! I always laugh and think about that! I know she means it with all her heart! But is she ever going to stop saying that? I hope not! But I know that her expectations of a dad will surely be broken by me! So I remained focused that I may fail as a earthly dad, I must not be too prideful to admit my wrongs and be quick to remind her of how faithful our Heavenly Father is and HE does NOT fail. Until then...

the bestest dad!

Monday, February 1, 2010

THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE _________ I WILL__________

This verse has been in my mind since yesterday. We began church with a lot of problems... normally we fight to solve issues... but yesterday I realized that we need to choose our attitudes and pray the issues through!
God showed us mercy and grace!
We had standing room only in our children's venue!
Students was great!
And we had around four new families that were there for the first time!
All in all we had a great day yesterday! But would have I noticed???

if I had not chosen to REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT!

Friday, January 22, 2010


The new year has begun and I cannot believe 2009 has gone by! One verse that God has brought into my life is Matthew 9:36-38. Read it whenever you get a chance... what sticks out at you?