One of the songs that means the world to us is Matt Redman’s “ Blessed be the name of Lord” I have to tell you that it is not an easy song to read. The tune is great but when you are thinking about the words it really touches your conscience about meaning what you are singing.
About a year and half ago, Eric was speaking and he gave me the opportunity to share Samuel’s story to our church. It was such an opportunity because I always wanted to give hope to people or just like Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1:5 that the trials in our lives should bring comfort to others. That evening we showed Samuels life through the slide show and I gave a testimony on how God had been so faithful through this hardship. In one of the services was a family, which had struggled to get pregnant, and after many years they had gotten the opportunity, and became parents. Through out the service He heard Samuels story and in the end Manny realized where he was in His relationship with God and received Christ that evening. Manny wanted to tell us that night, what had happened, but he never got the chance. He also did not realize that I was on staff at the church, so he just thought I was a member of the church, and that there was no way he would be able to find out who we were.
Fast forward two weekends ago. The Lord put it in Sammy’s heart to ask Jessica to share a little testimony before we sang that song. So she shared a short story on how meaningful that song was. This clip was shown through out all our campuses and in Homestead, Manny was serving, being our cameraman, He then realized who we were and in that instance began to shake at the realization of How beautiful our God is.
I was told that Manny wanted to talk to me, so I went and as he began to tell me His story I began to weep. I began to just say thank you, Thank You!
There is another valuable lesson God has given me; it is a privilege to see Samuel’s impact. I know that there are people that go through worst things and don’t ever see God’s reason for that mishap. I don’t know if it is because they refuse to see His hand or God does not show it to them, but I am a true believer that all things work together for good. I am very grateful that He has led me to SEE HIS good hand in my family’s life especially in the short life of my son.
I know I am not supposed to be proud but I cannot help it.
If you have not seen my son’s life you can go to
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