On January 3rd and 4th I was given the opportunity to speak to our people at the Palmetto Bay and Homestead campuses. God had put it in my heart to speak about the lessons God had taught Jess and me during the pregnancy and birth of my baby, Samuel, who only lived 6 hours. It was a very hard message for me to preach, especially as I shared the video we have honoring his brief life. I have seen God do amazing things through this message. The impact Samuel’s story had on many that weekend confirmed the decision I made to share this part of our lives with our congregation. It has also confirmed to me that God’s planning is perfect, and we must be willing to be used by Him when He prompts us.
The evening I spoke, two people approached and told me of how they had gone through a similar situation, but had held on to bitterness toward God. They were choosing to let go of that bitterness! Then, Pastor Sammy came up to me and told me of another incident. A woman attended the service who had not come to church in very long time. It had actually been two years since she had come. I was able to talk to her she told me that she was going through some very hard times and that she knew she needed to come that day! I was amazed at God’s sovereignty!
It was amazing to watch the Holy Spirit work. I was on the verge of tears during each service, but I knew that there were many people out there who needed to hear this message of hope and trust in the midst of emotional pain!
One of my points in the message was that when you are going through hard times, God gives you peace and it is this peace that is used to show people God’s love. At our last service, Palmetto Bay 12:30, a lady came to me at the very end. She was crying and began to tell me her story. This woman was one of the NICU nurses at the hospital the day Samuel was born. She was the nurse who brought Samuel to us. She remembered us and had been touched by our peace in the midst of our impending loss. She could see and feel that there was something different about us…but she had not known exactly what it was. Until hearing my message!!! WOW!!! I cannot tell you all the emotions that came through me but God was so good and gracious to let me see a glimpse of HIS PERFECT WILL!