Tonight my daughter reminded me of how awesome the heart of a child is. She was praying and became very excited to let God know that she knew how to spell His son’s name…”I know how to spell your son's name. Wanna hear me? J-E-S-U-S, that’s your son's name. And you know what else God? I can spell your name too, G-O-D. Thank You for sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. And God … I hope my mommy has a baby boy… so that we can be two girls and two boys!”
Man I tell you …. I know that’s what God meant when He said we need to be as a child in order to come to HIM.
This is what God has from my daughter. My four year old has these, and so many times, in my life, I don’t have them!
So today, this is my prayer:
Lord remind me of who I am, I notorious sinner saved by grace.
Grant me the courage to always stay Honest and to trust in YOU,
and most importantly don’t ever let me stop learning. Continue to teach me each day!
God thanks for Your patience and your never ending LOVE!