On Thursday March 1, I did one of the most outrageous things I've ever done. I called the man who led my father to Christ 27 years ago. In 1980, Richard Anderson, a young college student, led an angry beer-seeking, hispanic man to Christ. You see, my father had sovereignly stumbled onto a Christian camp called Hume Lake. Not only had he stumbled there, but he had also run out of beer! So my father had gone to the camp's store looking for beer only to find they did not sell alcohol. This young man must have heard the "problem" and took my dad aside; he began to share the gospel with my dad. Rick, as he now goes by, led my dad to Christ that day. The day after that, he bought my father a NIV Bible, writing a note of encouragement on the front inside cover and his address on the back inside cover. It was through that address that I was able to locate Rick all these years later. Following that encounter, my father returned to El Salvador, a changed man. Rick never heard from my father; actually, he had a hard time remembering the event when I was talking to him on March 1. One of the things the Lord has shown me is that He who is faithful in the little things will be faithful with much. Here was this young man who took a step of faith in sharing Christ with an angry, beer-searching alcoholic. Rick, for the last 27 years, had no idea what had come about. What he did that day will continue to echo though eternity. When my father went back to El Salvador, he established two Christian schools. One educates 700 students each year and the other around 200. I would not be serving my Savior as a pastor here in Miami had it not been for God using Rick. There have been countless lives changed because of Rich's faithfullness that day in 1980! I must always make each day count!